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Discover avocado fruit recipes

  1. Avocado mint ice cream
    • 2 DAKADOs, kin and seed removed
    • 1/4 honey dew melon, skin and seeds removed, diced
    • Juice of 1 lemon
    • 3/4 cup sugar (optional)
    • 1 bunch mint, leaves removed
    • 1/2 cup natural yoghurt
    • 2 egg whites, whipped until peaks are formed
    • Using a blender or food processor, blend the DAKADOs, honey dew melon, lemon juice, sugar, mint and yoghurt until velvety smooth
    • Fold in the whipped egg whites and pour into a terrine dish, loaf pan or plastic freezer storage container and freezer for 6 hours or overnight.
    • Remove from the freezer 10 minutes before serving.
    • Turn out of the container and cut into desired shape (rectangular, wedges or triangles) and serve with fresh seasonal fruit.
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What is an avocado
Avocado trees flourished already 50 million years ago in Central America and its fruits are considered as one of the best gifts of Mother Nature. The first species to discover the magic of avocados was the dinosaur. The avocado is an evergreen fruit tree. It grows only in subtropical climates and can become 12 to 20 meters tall. The fruit is not sweet, but fatty, is strongly flavoured, and has a smooth, almost creamy texture. The taste of avocados can differ substantially, depending on the oil content of the individual fruit.
In Vietnam, traders classify avocado into the following three categories which based on their oil contents:

Đang trực tuyến : 1

Hôm nay : 2

Hôm qua : 78

Tất cả : 448.738

Trong tháng : 1.646

Trong tuần : 162

© Bản quyền thuộc về DAKADO Group
VP chính: 60 Nguyen Chi Thanh – Tan An – Buon Ma Thuot – Daklak – Vietnam
Factory:  Km15 - Cuôr Đăng - CuM'gar - Dak Lak - Viet Nam
HCMC Office: 827 Quoc Lo 13 - Hiep Binh Phuoc - Thu Duc – HCMC - Vietnam
Ha Noi: 489 Hoang Quoc Viet - Q. Cau Giay - Ha Noi - Vietnam 
Email: customercare@dakado.vn - Tel/ Fax: +84.262.3912299  - 0938 48 1759

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